Grow your own food and be green
First let me say that not everyone will be able to grow their own food. Some can't because of a lack of time, land, physical condition, desire and many other reasons. Well for those who do want to grow their own food, let me suggest farming right in the backyard. Growing organically and utilizing sustainable practices is really not difficult.
One good reason to start growing your own food is that very few farmers are offering organic produce. Most of what is grown is imported and usually not organic. Importing food is detrimental to our economy, national security and well being. By the way have you seen the prices on organic fruits and veggies?
Today, farmers markets are in great need of more organic farmers. Hey maybe you could grow enough of a fruit or vegetable to supply the local community via farmers markets. Maybe with more organic farming here in our community the organics can be more affordable for the consumer and still earn you a profit for your time and energy.
Now let's talk about all of us. Imagine we are all in this together. Could we make a difference in the food supply? I think we can. Let's remember we all play a role in being green and helping to create a more sustainable community.
Right now as I write this my friend Dru, from Hollywood has more squash than he knows what to do with. My Father in Law has more Everglades Tomatoes than he will ever eat. The potential is enormous.
We can provide our families with food that is fresher and without pesticides. We can grow fruits and vegetables not found in grocery stores. Heirloom tomatoes like the tiny but delicious Everglades Tomato are more heat tolerant and less susceptible to insects, fungus etc. See the picture yet? Have you ever seen or tasted a Florida Seminole Pumpkin? Wow!
Another important factor is our environment. The air, water and soil are critical components to our food supply and are directly related to our survival. So now let me mention permaculture and suggest you learn more by watching the videos here.
Please note that I am no expert on permaculture. I do know and have practiced many of these concepts for years. My Grandfather and Uncles learned these techniques as farmers and ranchers in Cuba, many years ago. Many of my family have passed on over the years but what they taught me lives on today in me and in my son Michael. Our hope is that more and more people practice and enjoy growing fruits, vegetables and consider raising livestock.
The experience of growing your own food is rewarding and can bring people together in so many wonderful ways.
This year my goal is to promote and begin to incorporate more and more the principals of permaculture. Permaculture is being practiced at home in the nursery and in our grove.
I hope you take a closer look at permaculture and how it can make our world a better place. We may have no choice!
let's start tearing up the concrete and turn the city into a green sustainable place we can all nurture and enjoy. Plant fruit trees, berry bushes, fruiting vines and lots of vegetables. Let's create an edible landcape for all!
Here are the permaculture guiding principles: They are listed in order of most importance:
Earth Care
People Care
Fair Share
With this in mind I leave you to decide if this is for you or not. I will be publishing more of my thoughts on permaculture in future web site updates. To learn more have a look at the great books in the right column.
Pepe's Plants
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The products and statements made about specific plants or products on this web site have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. All information provided on this web site or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional. You should not use the information on this web site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new vitamins, supplements, diet, or exercise program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.
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